torsdag 22 januari 2015

English bookcircle - Discussion leader w.5

6 questions about p.46-90

Positive - Is there something positive with what has happened so far? Can you see anything from the bright side?

Fact p.53 - On Wednesdays Glen goes to see Ralf. Who is Ralf?
(He is Glen's counsellor)

Feelings p56,59 - How do you think it is to constantly feel lika you were a psychopath and as soon as you see a woman/girl/man/boy check yourself for unnatural urgins?

Creativity - The way the author wrote the book in is from one point of view. Is there another way of looking at it (the incident, what has happened, actions)

Thinking p.48 - Repeatedly we read about a journalist who interview different people that are close or in any way connected to the Ward family. What do you think the journalist (Veronica Craven) is out for?  (It seems like she's not just want something to write about according to me.)

Negative p.57 - Glen always has to lie about what he is doing and about his life. Does he need to lie to will for example.

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