tisdag 10 februari 2015

English Bookcircle - Wordfinder W.6

  1. roughing p.136 - mobba/bråka/jävlas
  2. muck p.136 - smuts
  3. vultures p.137 - gamar
  4. load of old bollocks p.137 - massor av gammal skit
  5. inevitable p.137 - oundviklig
  6. cultivated p.138 - brukade jord/odlade
  7. woolcomber p.139 - gammalt yrke som drar ner snittåldern
  8. prehistoric (life) p.140 - förhistorisk
  9. moor p.142 - hed
  10. gleaming cobbles p.142 - glimmande kullersten
  11. anticipation p.142 - förväntan
  12. lymphocyte p.143 - lymfocyt
  13. knitting p.147 - stickning
  14. wrigg - wriggle - slingra sig
  15. accommodation p.149 - husrum
  16. womb p.150 - livmoder
  17. shattered p.151 - krossade
  18. plonker p.151 - tönt
  19. snug as a bug in a rug p.151 - ombonad som en insekt i en matta
  20. zit p.157 - sittplats, säte
  21. dunno p.161 - don't know - vet inte
  22. cumulonimbus p.162 - en sorts moln, de som gör figurer
  23. wriggling p. 173 - slingrande
  24. rhinoceros p.176 - noshörning

  1. The vultures is scavengers which means that they only eat dead meat.
  2. The muck was really hard to remove from the clothes.
  3. If you worked as a woolcomber it was likely that you would die at an age of 18.
  4. The prehistoric museum is open on weekends from 12 to 16.
  5. You are anticipated to do your homework on time.
  6. He gave me an accommodation and food while I searched for a new house.
  7. She was such a plonker and no one wanted to hang out with her.
  8. The rhinoceroses are dying out and we have to stop it.
  9. I dunno the answers to the exam.
  10. The baby is growing inside the mothers womb.

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